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HomeEventsSanta Rosa Ski Club's Sensational Sunday Spin

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Santa Rosa Ski Club's Sensational Sunday Spin

About this event

Santa Rosa Ski Club's Sensational Sunday Spin

Join us for a Fun-Filled Gravel/Mountain Bike Ride in Marin Headlands

When: Sunday, December 8th, 2024

Time: 8:00 AM

Where: Meet-up at 8:00 AM. Park & Ride - Westside, Redwood Dr, Cotati, CA 94931 We will meet here, load up bikes and carpool down to Marin. We'll coordinate carpooling details at the meetup location.

Ride start location: Bay Area Discovery Museum parking lot. If you are meeting us at the start, be there at 9:00 AM.

What: A 16-20 mile social bike ride through the beautiful trails of Marin Headlands, suitable for beginner/intermediate riders. We'll enjoy stunning views, we will gain 2,300-2,900 feet of elevation. If you need to shorten your ride, please talk with one of the Hosts. We will be happy to help.

Link to the full route:

Please RSVP below. Kristin Botka, Kurt West and Maggie Swarner will be leading this ride and will be your points of contact. Please feel free to bring a MIP, friend and/or those interested in learning more about the SRSC. If you do invite guest(s), please be responsible for their needs and include them when you RSVP.

We hope that you can make it! Let us know you're coming and if you have any questions please email or text any of us. Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and connect with fellow club members!

Kristin Botka Cell: 707 529 3834 email:

Kurt West Cell: 707 328 8420 email:

Maggie Swarner Cell: 831 239 7852 email:

Date and Time

Sunday, December 8, 2024, 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Park & Ride - Westside, Redwood Dr, Cotati, CA 94931
Park & Ride - Westside
Cotati, CA  94931

Event Contact(s)

Maggie Swarner
(831) 239-7852 (p)
(831) 239-7852 (c)



Registration Info

Registration is required
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